Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Balloon Wreath!

I have found a new blog that really inspires me, Holiday Snob. The author showed a birthday display that included a balloon wreath.  Since I have three birthdays within a week of each other, the idea really excited me. I could hang it on the door for the whole "birthday season", as we call it. Unfortunately this project went over schedule as well as over budget. But in the end I love the finished project!

Here is a great tutorial for this project.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Neverland Birthday!

Last year I did a double birthday for my daughter and son, so we went with a Neverland Theme. It was filled with pirates, Indians, fairies, and mermaids.

We asked all of our guests to come dressed up!

For the decorations, I used the colors blue, green, and gold.
I took the edible Tinkerbell stickers you find at Walmart and
stuck it to a canning jar filled with green fake grass.

Stars were another element that I used to glue the boy and girl aspects together.

For the cupcakes, I used star stickers on toothpicks as well as chocolate candy treaure boxes.

For refreshments we had all kinds of Neverland themed items:

Pirate's Booty: Captain Hooks Ship

Cheese Cubes: Cheese the Mouse's Favorite Treat

Watermellom: It made the red man red.

Rainbow Fish Crackers: Mermaid Lagoon

Pretzel sticks: Lost Boys Tree House

Some of the fun activities:

Indian, Indian, Lost Boy (Duck, Duck, Goose)
Don't Drop the Dew Drop (Splash Out)
Finding Captain Hooks Treasure